Atlanta Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Were you hurt on the job in Atlanta, GA? Recovering fair workers’ compensation benefits can be more challenging than you might think. Insurance companies and even employers often challenge employees’ rights to benefits. An experienced Atlanta workers’ compensation lawyer at Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers can help you fight for a fair outcome.

Our lawyers have 75 years of combined experience helping injured workers and their families recover the workers’ compensation benefits they deserve. Our approach has allowed us to secure over $250 million in settlements and verdicts.

You should understand your legal options if you were injured at work. Call (404) 255-9000  to our law offices in Atlanta, Georgia, to schedule a free consultation with a lawyer who can help.

How Can Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers Help With a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Atlanta, GA?

How Can Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers Help With a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Atlanta, GA?

Work-related injuries and illnesses can turn your life upside down. Unfortunately, while you’re struggling with painful injuries, your employer and their insurance company may be making it difficult to get fair benefits.

You don’t have to leave your future in the hands of your employer’s insurance company. An experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer at Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers can help you fight for a fair deal.

Our award-winning legal team is well known for our skilled legal representation. While you take the time to recover, we’ll handle the claims process and all of the legal issues.

That includes:

  • Helping you get quality medical treatment
  • Determining all avenues for recovering compensation
  • Calculating the fair value of your workers’ compensation benefits
  • Negotiating for a full settlement
  • Handling all paperwork and communications
  • Dealing with the insurance companies
  • Protecting you if your employer is pushing you to return to work
  • Representing you in court and during all hearings

Your injury is stressful enough. Leave the claims process to our experienced Atlanta personal injury attorneys. Contact us today to learn more about hiring our team.

How Common Are Workplace Injuries in Georgia?

Private employers in Georgia reported about 78,000 non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses in 2022. Over 23,000 of those injuries and illnesses were serious enough that the victim required time away from work.

What is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance. 

If you’re injured in a workplace accident or develop a medical condition because of something at work, these insurance benefits are designed to help offset your financial costs. You may receive medical benefits, cash income replacement benefits, and rehabilitation benefits.

How Do I Know Whether I Qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

Employers in Georgia are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance if they have three or more employees. When you start working, you’re covered by workers’ compensation immediately. 

You can receive benefits if:

  • You are classified as a traditional employee
  • You were injured or became ill in the course of employment
  • You weren’t engaging in willful misconduct or using drugs or alcohol

It’s not necessary to prove liability before you receive workers’ comp benefits. In return, you generally give up the right to sue your employer under state personal injury laws. 

How Much is My Atlanta Workers’ Compensation Case Worth?

The value of your workers’ comp claim depends on a number of unique factors, including:

  • Your wages at the time of disability
  • Whether you can earn some income by performing light-duty work
  • The length of your recovery 
  • Your impairment rating once you’ve reached maximum medical improvement
  • The nature of your disability

While on temporary disability, your workers’ compensation check will cover about two-thirds of your average weekly wages prior to the disability. However, your check is limited to $800 per week, regardless of your prior earning history.

The amount you receive can also depend on whether you have a valid personal injury case against the person responsible for your injuries.

What Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits Are Available for Work-Related Injuries in Atlanta? 

The primary types of workers’ compensation benefits are medical benefits, income replacement benefits, and death benefits in fatal accident cases. 

Medical Benefits

All reasonable medical expenses that are related to your workplace injury should be covered. 

That includes:

  • ER visits
  • Doctor’s appointments
  • Hospital bills
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Prescription drugs 
  • Travel expenses to and from medical appointments

In catastrophic injury cases, you may qualify for lifetime medical benefits. However, you must see a doctor who has been authorized by your employer or the workers’ compensation board. Your employer should post information about approved doctors or put you in contact with a managed care organization that can help you schedule appointments.

Income Replacement Benefits

Once you miss seven days at work, you qualify for a weekly wage replacement check. If you miss more than 21 days at work, you’ll also be paid for the first week.

Your disability benefits will depend on the nature of your disability, and may include:

  • Temporary total disability benefits
  • Temporary partial disability benefits
  • Permanent partial disability benefits

You can receive temporary total disability benefits for up to 400 weeks if you’re totally unable to work due to the disability. If you can perform restricted duties, you can receive a partial check to make up for your reduced earnings. 

In cases involving catastrophic injuries, your disability benefits may last a lifetime.

Death Benefits

When a workplace injury is fatal, workers’ compensation pays benefits to the victim’s dependents. The survivors receive two-thirds of the victim’s average weekly wages at the time of death. Workers’ comp will also cover reasonable funeral expenses. 

Can I Sue My Employer for Additional Damages if I Was Hurt on the Job in Georgia?

You typically can’t sue your employer for damages. However, you may still have rights under Georgia personal injury laws. If someone other than your employer is responsible for causing your injuries, we can fight to hold them liable.

For example, you could have a third-party claim against:

  • A driver who caused a car accident
  • A property owner who didn’t maintain safe premises, causing you to slip and fall
  • Someone who intentionally assaulted you on the job

Our lawyers in Atlanta can evaluate your case for free. We’ll identify all of your options for recovering the maximum compensation you deserve.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Georgia?

Our law firm charges contingency fees. Your attorney’s fees depend on the amount of compensation we recover for you. Once your case is over, you’ll pay a percentage of your settlement or verdict.

Can I Recover Workers’ Compensation Benefits If I’m Being Blamed for a Workplace Accident in Georgia?

Yes. Georgia workers’ compensation is a no-fault system. The exceptions are rare. You generally only lose your right to benefits if you were engaging in intentional misconduct or were under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

In personal injury cases, you lose your right to compensation once your share of fault exceeds 49% under Georgia law.

We’ll Fight to Recover Compensation for All of Your Work-Related Injuries

At Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers, we help injured workers who have suffered all different types of injuries, including:

  • Broken bones
  • Concussions
  • Dislocations
  • Occupational diseases, including cancer
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Musculoskeletal injuries 
  • Back injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Organ damage
  • Burns
  • Amputations
  • Paralysis
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

These and other work-related injuries can significantly disrupt your life. You may be completely unable to work–all while dealing with sky-high medical bills. If you were injured or developed a medical condition because of something at work, call our Atlanta workers’ compensation attorneys for a free consultation today.

We Handle All Types of Workplace Injury Claims

Our lawyers handle workplace claims involving:

  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Traffic accidents
  • Accidents involving heavy machinery
  • Falling objects
  • Scaffolding accidents
  • Construction site accidents
  • Warehouse accidents
  • Occupational diseases
  • Defective work equipment and tools
  • Workers being caught between two objects
  • Heavy lifting
  • Fires and explosions
  • Electrocutions and exposure to live electricity
  • Manufacturing accidents

If you were hurt because of something at work, we can help you understand your legal rights. Give us a call today to arrange your free consultation to get started.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim for Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Georgia?

It’s important to file your claim for compensation as quickly as possible. Any delays will result in your check being delayed. You should also notify your employer as soon as you can.

However, you have only one year to file a formal claim. After one year, you will lose your right to benefits. You file a claim by filing Form WC-14 with the State Board of Workers’ Compensation.

Contact an Experienced Atlanta Workers’ Compensation Lawyer for a Free Consultation Today

If you were injured on the job in Atlanta, you have rights. An experienced Atlanta workers’ compensation attorney can help you stand up and fight to protect them. Contact our team at Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers as soon as possible to arrange your free case review.