Attorneys Answer: When Do You Need To Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

The aftermath of a car accident can leave you reeling. If you’ve been seriously injured, your life might feel like a never-ending stream of medical procedures, follow-up appointments, and medications. You might be in considerable physical pain and unable to work or do everyday activities.

It might feel impossible to do anything but focus on recovery. However, in many cases, calling a car accident lawyer is the first step toward getting your life back. Here’s a look at what might be happening when you need to get in touch with an auto accident attorney.

What Can an Auto Accident Attorney Do for You?

What Can an Auto Accident Attorney Do for You?

An accident attorney is a lawyer who recovers compensation for injured drivers. Georgia is an “at-fault” state for car insurance, so you can file a claim or lawsuit against the other driver. However, you’ll need to establish liability with evidence to win your case.

Some people may see accident cases as “cash grabs,” but recovering compensation isn’t just about seeing how much money you can get (though an attorney can help increase the value of your claim as much as possible). It’s also about holding negligent drivers accountable and making sure you aren’t left to handle the physical, mental, and financial fallout of a serious car accident alone.

What if I’m Not Sure Whether I’m at Fault?

Even if you aren’t sure whether the other person was at fault for the accident, it’s still wise to talk to an accident lawyer. Not all car accidents are clear-cut, and there could be a third party whose negligence caused your accident. These are some common examples:

  • Car Manufacturers: If a mechanical defect caused the accident
  • Local Governments: If poor road signage or damaged roads were a contributing factor
  • Auto Repair Shops: If an incorrect repair caused a crash
  • Trucking Companies: If you were injured by a commercial truck driver

Each car accident case is unique, and a qualified attorney will be able to take a close look and tell you who’s at fault.

How Soon Should You Call a Car Accident Lawyer?

In general, you should call a car accident attorney as soon as you can after an accident. First, you should get to a safe place and seek medical attention. Once you get to a place where you feel stable, you should start reaching out to attorneys.

Many people make the mistake of talking to their insurance company (or the other driver’s insurance company) before talking to a lawyer. Don’t do this! 

Although you may think your insurer is on your side, the truth is that insurance companies are primarily looking out for themselves. They want to pay out as little as possible, and often, they will give you a low initial settlement offer in hopes that you’ll take it.

You should always talk to a car accident lawyer before talking to an insurer, if possible. Your lawyer will be able to talk to your insurance company on your behalf while you focus on healing.

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

Often, car accident injuries come with exorbitant medical bills. It’s understandable that you might worry that a car accident lawyer will only add to your expenses.

Fortunately, car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you pay nothing unless we win money for your case. However, because attorneys dedicate a lot of time, effort, and funds to each case, they cannot take every case that comes to them. Here’s a general look at how a personal injury case works:


The first step is a free consultation. This is an initial meeting where you can discuss your case with an attorney. Your attorney will ask questions and review any documents you have. Usually, it’s a good idea to bring these documents if you have them:

  • A police report of the accident
  • Statements from witnesses or witness contact information
  • Any photos you may have been able to take of the accident
  • Medical bills
  • Discharge summaries or other kinds of hospital paperwork
  • Employment information and a record of how much work you’ve had to miss as a result of the accident

Usually, an attorney is looking to see if the accident was not your fault and if you have sufficient damages to collect. For example, if you were in an accident caused by someone else but only suffered very minor injuries or none at all, an attorney isn’t likely to take your case.

Keep in mind that a consultation is also an opportunity for you to talk to the attorney and determine whether you think you would work well with them. It doesn’t hurt to schedule consultations with more than one personal injury lawyer. This is a major life event, so you want to make sure you find the right fit!

Starting the Case

If the attorney takes your case and you agree to hire them, your new legal team will work on building your case. In many circumstances, they will negotiate with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Most personal injury cases result in a settlement, meaning both sides agree on a set amount of money to be paid to you.

However, if no agreement can be reached, the case goes to court – and potentially a trial. This isn’t a criminal trial — if the at-fault driver is found guilty of causing your injuries, they won’t be arrested. However, the driver (or their insurance company) will be ordered to pay you a set amount of money.


If you receive payment through a settlement or a court order, your attorney will be paid a portion of the total amount. Your attorney also can offer you advice on how to report the payment on your taxes. If you do not receive any money, your attorney doesn’t receive anything, either.

Ready To Call an Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer?

If you’ve decided it’s time to call an Atlanta car accident lawyer, your next step should be to carefully choose a firm. At Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers, our lawyers have decades of combined experience seeking justice for injured people. We are skilled negotiators who make every effort to reach a fair settlement, but we are fully prepared to take your case to trial if need be. 

It is our job to tell your story to a judge and jury, so we take the time to get to know you, learn about your situation, and advocate for you to the best of our ability. 

If you’ve been injured in a car accident because of someone else’s carelessness or recklessness, please get in touch through our online form or by phone. Someone will be here to answer your call at any time, day or night.