Rear End Crashes in Atlanta 

There are around 1,700  fatalities that result from a car accident in a single year in Georgia. Most car accidents occur in the city of Atlanta, Georgia. There are several types of collisions, from head-on to sideswipe collisions. One of the most common types of collisions is rear-end accidents. 

Rear-end accidents are usually caused by distracted driving and could lead to severe injuries for passengers and drivers sitting in the front vehicle.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a rear-end accident, contact our Atlanta rear-end accident attorneys at 404-255-9000 for a free case evaluation. With a Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyer on your side, you may be able to recover compensation for your injuries and any property damage you have suffered in Atlanta, GA.

How Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Rear-End Crash in Atlanta 

How Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Rear-End Crash in Atlanta 

Our experienced Atlanta personal injury attorneys will help you navigate the legal process to ensure that you get the compensation you need. When filing a claim or lawsuit in Atlanta, GA, a plaintiff must meet several different requirements. For example, in Georgia, you must file your lawsuit within two years of the accident.

When you hire our Atlanta car accident attorneys: 

  • We will investigate the cause of the accident to determine how the other party was negligent. Some of the most common causes of rear-end collisions in Atlanta are drunk driving or distracted driving. 
  •  Our attorneys will uncover the liability to ensure that we build a strong claim in your favor.
  • Our top-rated lawyers will negotiate with insurance companies to ensure that your damages are fully accounted for. 
  • We will consider all your damages, including any medical expenses, lost wages, emotional suffering, and property damage.

For a more specific approach, we recommend that you speak to our Atlanta rear-end accident attorneys to schedule a one-on-one case consultation. The most important thing to remember is the two-year time limit. You should act quickly to protect your rights.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Rear-End Collisions In Atlanta?

 Below are some of the most common causes of rear-end collisions:

  • Speeding: Speeding occurs far too often. Atlanta also has long stretches of roads with little to no intersections. This could lead many drivers to speed. 
  • Tailgating: Tailgating occurs when one vehicle drives too close to the back of the other vehicle. If the front vehicle slams on its brakes, it will be rear-ended. Tailgating is never safe.
  •  Distracted driving: People texting or messaging on their phones while driving may divert their attention to their laps and not be able to see the cars coming to a stop in front of them.
  •  Driving under the influence: When a driver is under the influence, they may be unable to gauge speeds and distances properly.
  •  Poor weather conditions: Poor weather conditions could lead to poor visibility. 

There are other causes of distracted driving. Contact us to discuss your case. 

Tailgating is considered negligent and reckless driving. Under Georgia Code Section 40-6-49, vehicles cannot follow another vehicle closely. Each vehicle must keep a reasonable and prudent distance from other vehicles. Drivers who tailgate could be fined, and multiple instances could lead to a license suspension.

Common Injuries Caused By Rear-End Accidents In Atlanta

No two accidents are the same, but below are some common injuries that could result from a rear-end impact:

  • Traumatic brain injuries 
  • Spinal cord injuries 
  • Fractures
  • Concussions 
  • Whiplash 
  • Back injuries 
  • Soft tissue damage

If you have suffered any head injuries or back injuries after a rear-end accident, you should get medical treatment immediately and contact an attorney.

What Should I Do If I Have Been Injured In A Rear-End Accident In Atlanta?

 If you or a loved one have been injured in a rear-end collision, some steps should be taken to protect an injured party’s interests:

  1. Get as much information as possible about the rear-end collision. This means taking photos of the accident location, vehicles involved, and getting witness and party information.
  2. You should get medically evaluated for any injuries that you may have suffered. Some injuries, like internal bleeding, may only be detected at a hospital.
  3. Call the Atlanta police. If there has been property damage or bodily injury, the police will most likely draft an incident report. A police report is very effective when filing a lawsuit or claim.
  4. Contact an experienced rear-end collision attorney.

Above are some steps you should take after an accident. For more specific steps on your case, give us a call today.

Who Is At Fault In A Rear-End Accident In Atlanta?

Because rear-end collisions are very common, many people may think that fault is generally easy to determine. Usually, the fault lies in the second vehicle in the back. But sometimes, other third parties could be responsible. For example, improper road conditions could have a government entity responsible. In some cases, pedestrians or motorcyclists may swerve and cause an accident.

Contact an Experienced Rear-End Collision Attorney for a Free Consultation

Our well-established attorneys at Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers will help you recover compensation for the injuries you have suffered in Atlanta, GA. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients, and we have just what it takes to ensure our clients get the help they need. Call us today to schedule your free and confidential case evaluation with an Atlanta rear-end crash lawyer.