Sandy Springs Car Accident Lawyer

Were you injured in a car accident in Sandy Springs, GA? Recovering fair compensation can be key to getting back on your feet again. An experienced Sandy Springs car accident lawyer at Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers can help you fight for money to cover your medical bills, lost wages, trauma, pain, and more. 

With 75 years of experience handling personal injury cases, you can count on us to get the money you need and deserve. To date, we’ve helped injury victims and their families recover over $250 million in settlements and verdicts. 

Choosing a lawyer is an important decision, so we offer a free case review. This gives you the ability to discuss your legal options with an experienced Sandy Springs car accident attorney without risk. Call our law offices in Sandy Springs, Georgia, at (404) 255-9000 to schedule your free consultation today.

How Can Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers Help Me Recover Compensation After a Car Crash in Sandy Springs?

How Can Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers Help Me Recover Compensation After a Car Crash in Sandy Springs?

Getting into a car accident in Sandy Springs, GA, can impact your life in significant ways. Whether the effects are relatively minor or life-changing, it’s important to hold the at-fault driver accountable. 

Unfortunately, insurance companies aren’t known for making it easy to recover compensation. They’ll likely search for ways to downplay your losses or even blame you. A strong response from an experienced Sandy Springs personal injury attorney is often critical to recovering the full compensation you deserve.

At Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers, we have a proven track record of winning life-changing settlements and verdicts for our clients. We know the insurance process can be overwhelming and frustrating. The insurance adjusters may already be asking you for information. 

When you hire our Sandy Springs personal injury lawyers to represent you, we will:

  • Provide answers to your questions about the legal process and your case
  • Conduct a detailed investigation 
  • Compile all evidence to prove you deserve compensation
  • Bring in leading experts to testify about complicated issues in your case
  • Help you identify the damages you have suffered
  • Evaluate your case value with the help of experts when necessary
  • Sharply defend against any allegations that you were responsible for the crash
  • Handle the negotiation process and work for a full settlement
  • File a lawsuit and advocate for you at trial if necessary

Recovering from a serious injury can be difficult enough. Let our team handle the insurance and legal battle. Call today to schedule a free case evaluation with a Sandy Springs car accident lawyer to learn more.

Why Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Why Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Car accident victims with experienced lawyers typically recover higher compensation awards. 

Here are just some of the specific reasons to hire a car accident lawyer:

  • You’ll need evidence to prove your case. Of course, the insurance company will conduct an investigation. Remember that they’re looking for evidence to reduce your settlement. An experienced attorney has the resources to independently investigate and locate the evidence to establish your right to compensation.
  • Insurance companies will fight your case. If you were seriously hurt, the insurance company will go to great lengths to avoid paying a full settlement. Your lawyer will have access to experts who can help prove they’re responsible and establish your case value.
  • Negligent drivers will try to blame you. Negligent drivers and insurance companies love to blame victims. When they succeed, the victim walks away with less. An attorney can protect you from blame-the-victim-games. 
  • Insurance and legal battles take time. When you’re seriously hurt, it can be tempting to take even a lowball insurance deal. You have enough on your plate, after all. Your lawyer can handle the fight for full compensation while you take the time to recover.

Insurance companies don’t want you to hire an experienced lawyer. They’ll try to use the stress and trauma you’re experiencing against you. With an attorney by your side, they’ll be much less likely to use unfair tactics to avoid paying what you deserve.

How Much Compensation Can I Recover By Filing a Car Accident Claim?

How Much Compensation Can I Recover By Filing a Car Accident Claim?

Putting a dollar value on a personal injury claim is difficult, especially early in the process.

However, the answers to these questions are highly relevant to the valuation process:

  • How serious are your injuries?
  • Does your doctor expect you to suffer a permanent or long-term disability?
  • What are your medical treatment costs to date?
  • Will you require ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, or assistance with basic activities?
  • How much income have you lost during your recovery thus far?
  • How will your future earnings be impacted by the injury?
  • What types of pain and trauma are you experiencing due to the accident and injury?
  • How long will it take to reach maximum medical improvement?
  • Is there evidence to prove you share some blame for the injury?
  • What types of insurance coverage are available?
  • Is there strong evidence to prove who was responsible?

As a general rule, more serious injuries result in higher compensation awards. That’s because more severe injuries are more expensive to treat and tend to have a more profound impact on the victim’s life.

That said, getting an experienced attorney’s advice is always advisable if you’ve been seriously hurt. The insurance offer may not fully reflect your losses. Once you accept, you lose the right to go back and ask for more money.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit After a Car Accident in Georgia?

Under Georgia law, two years is the statute of limitations in most personal injury cases. The two-year period begins running on the date of your accident.

Different deadlines may apply depending on the facts. You could have more time to sue for damages if the at-fault driver is charged with a DUI or another criminal act related to the accident. You could have less time if the defendant is a government agency.

The key takeaway is that you lose your right to seek compensation if you miss the deadline.

What Types of Damages Can I Recover in a Car Accident Lawsuit?

What Types of Damages Can I Recover in a Car Accident Lawsuit?

Both economic damages and non-economic damages may be available in a successful car accident case. 

What Are Economic Damages?

Economic damages awards are meant to cover the financial costs of your accident and injury.

Some common examples of economic damages include:

  • ER visits, hospitalization, doctor’s visits, medications, and other medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation and physical therapy
  • Expected future medical costs
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity and lost employment benefits
  • Nursing care
  • In-home assistance
  • Property damage
  • Vehicle repairs
  • Workers’ compensation benefits if you were injured on the job
  • Funeral and burial costs in fatal accident cases

These are the types of damages that can be verified with receipts, bank records, or otherwise.

What Are Non-Economic Damages?

Not all losses caused by a car accident are financial. Some consequences of a car crash are extremely personal. 

These are your non-economic damages, which often include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress, depression, or PTSD
  • Chronic pain
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Physical disfigurement and scarring
  • Inconvenience 
  • Loss of consortium

The nature of a victim’s non-economic damages can vary dramatically from case to case. However, these are always the types of losses that can have a significant long-term impact. Insurance companies will try to downplay these losses, so it’s a good idea to have an experienced attorney in your corner who can help you prove the value of these non-financial losses.

Can Punitive Damages Be Awarded in Car Accident Cases?

Yes, but the circumstances in which punitive damages are available are extremely limited. Punitive damages are awarded to punish the defendant. As such, they’re reserved for cases where the court finds the defendant’s acts deserve punishment.

For example, Georgia courts may award punitive damages in cases involving drunk driving or serious hit-and-run accidents.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Our personal injury law firm works on a contingency fee basis. We take a percentage of any settlement or jury verdict we recover in your case. This is a standard fee structure for personal injury firms in Georgia.

What Happens to My Compensation Award if I’m Partly Responsible for Causing a Car Accident in Georgia?

What Happens to My Compensation Award if I’m Partly Responsible for Causing a Car Accident in Georgia?

In Georgia, you can file an insurance claim or lawsuit and recover compensation as long as you weren’t mostly responsible for the car crash. Georgia has modified comparative negligence laws. You’re barred from recovering compensation only if the other side can prove you were at least 50% responsible for your own injuries.

That said, sharing even some blame will affect your compensation award. Your compensation will be reduced by any percentage of blame allocated to you. For example, if you were 30% responsible, you can only keep 70% of your compensation award.

Will My Car Accident Case Go to Trial?

Will My Car Accident Case Go to Trial?

While trial is always a possibility, most cases are settled through negotiations prior to trial. An experienced attorney can lead the negotiations and handle all communications with the insurance company. When an experienced lawyer is on your team, the insurer is much more likely to negotiate in good faith for a fair settlement.

However, there are still situations where a trial does become necessary, such as:

  • The insurance company is significantly undervaluing your claim
  • Legitimate disputes over liability exist
  • Shared fault is a serious issue

Insurance companies and defense teams don’t want to go to court any more than you do. That makes having an experienced trial attorney extremely valuable. When the other side knows your attorney is successful in the courtroom, they’ll be less likely to play games or offer lowball deals.

What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Sandy Springs?

What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Sandy Springs?

Your actions immediately after a motor vehicle accident matter. 

Here are some things you should do–and avoid–in the aftermath of a car wreck:

  • Remain at, or near, the scene. You can move the vehicles to a safe location nearby if necessary, but leaving the scene of a crash is a crime in Georgia.
  • Call 911 to report the accident and request emergency medical assistance. The 911 operator can send an ambulance if someone is seriously injured. The police officer will also examine the scene and prepare a valuable police report.
  • Avoid accepting blame. Even a seemingly simple apology can be used to hurt your personal injury claim at a later date.
  • Exchange information. Exchange insurance information and contact details with the other driver. Also, obtain contact information from any witnesses. 
  • Document the scene. While you’re waiting, take videos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and any injuries. Remember to document both vehicles and anything else that seems useful. 
  • Seek medical attention. Your medical records will be critical to any future personal injury case. Prompt medical care also gives you the best shot at making a successful recovery.
  • Avoid recorded statements. The insurance company may ask you to make a recorded statement. It’s always best to simply provide basic information and direct detailed requests to your attorney. The insurance adjuster is always looking for ways to undervalue your claim, even if they seem friendly and sympathetic.

Consulting an experienced lawyer sooner rather than later is always a good idea. Start dealing with a Sandy Springs car accident attorney who can handle the details from the start.

We Handle All Types of Car Accident Claims in Sandy Springs

We Handle All Types of Car Accident Claims in Sandy Springs

Many different types of car accidents exist. Each type of accident may present its own set of complications. 

Investigating a rollover accident will be much different than a rear-end collision. Hit-and-run accidents tend to require different types of expert testimony than t-bone crashes. It’s always important to hire a lawyer who has significant experience handling different types of accident claims.

At Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers, we have over 75 years of experience handling all different types of car accident cases.

Some examples of our car accident practice areas include:

Head-on Collisions

Head-on Collisions

Head-on car crashes tend to be among the most severe. Victims often suffer brain damage, internal injuries, and crush injuries. If you were injured in a head-on collision, call our car accident lawyers in Sandy Springs today and get the legal advice you deserve.

Speeding Accidents

Speeding is an extremely common factor in car accidents. Drivers who are speeding have less time to react and prevent crashes. If you were involved in a car accident and the other driver was speeding, call our Sandy Springs personal injury law firm today. We’ll do everything we can to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Truck Accidents

Accidents involving semi-trucks and big rigs can be catastrophic for occupants in smaller passenger vehicles. Truck accidents can also involve complex insurance and legal issues. Ultimately, it may be a large trucking company that owes you compensation. 

Hit-and-Run Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents are more common than you might imagine. Drivers leave the scene for many different reasons, including driving while intoxicated, immigration fears, or driving without a valid license. Our lawyers are here to help you investigate the situation and identify all options for recovering financial compensation.

Distracted Driving Accidents

Drivers who are distracted are much more likely to cause accidents when compared to those who are focused on the road. Still, proving that the other driver’s distraction caused the crash can be difficult. Our lawyers can help you locate all of the evidence you need to prove your case. Contact our Sandy Springs car accident attorneys today to get started.

Fatal Car Accidents

Loving a loved one in a preventable car accident is a devastating experience. Your family may deserve substantial compensation. Determining the value of a wrongful death case can be complex, so call our experienced car accident attorneys in Sandy Springs for help today.

Our legal team also handles car accident claims involving:

  • Rollovers
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Sideswipe accidents
  • T-bone accidents
  • Multiple vehicle crashes 
  • Single-vehicle accidents
  • Red-and-yellow light accidents
  • Highway accidents 
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Commercial vehicle accidents
  • Drunk driving accidents
  • Intersection accidents
  • Parking lot accidents
  • Accidents involving uninsured/underinsured motorists
  • Car accidents involving electric scooters
  • Car accidents involving pedestrians or bicyclists 

Don’t hesitate to reach out for legal guidance if you are involved in a car accident. Our lawyers can help you understand all of your legal options for recovering the fair compensation you deserve after a crash.

Who Can Be Held Liable for My Car Accident Injuries?

Who Can Be Held Liable for My Car Accident Injuries?

Identifying all responsible parties is critical to getting a full compensation award. Multiple parties may share the blame for the same crash. Sometimes, someone who wasn’t even present at the accident case can share legal responsibility.

Depending on the circumstances, responsible parties may include:

  • Negligent drivers
  • Negligent passengers
  • Pedestrians
  • Bicyclists 
  • Employers of negligent drivers, if the at-fault driver was working at the time of the crash
  • Trucking companies
  • Government agencies responsible for road maintenance and safety
  • Manufacturers of defective vehicles or vehicle safety equipment

An experienced Sandy Springs car accident attorney can help you pursue compensation from all responsible parties. 

Determining who is ultimately liable for your damages will typically require proof of negligence.

Negligence means:

  • The defendant had a legal duty of care, such as a duty to drive carefully and obey traffic laws
  • They breached that duty through some act or omission
  • The breach was the direct and proximate cause of your accident
  • You suffered damages, typically meaning physical injuries, financial losses, and/or emotional trauma

When an accident happens because of a defective vehicle or part, strict liability theories often apply. Manufacturers who sell defective products can be held liable without proving they were negligent.

Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

Car accidents have the potential to cause serious damage. When speeding or larger vehicles are involved, accident victims tend to suffer more severe injuries.

Some common car accident injuries include:

  • Deep facial cuts and lacerations
  • Chest injuries and other airbag injuries
  • Burns 
  • Broken bones
  • Back injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Concussions
  • Degloving injuries
  • Organ damage
  • Severe bleeding
  • Amputations
  • Paralysis
  • Catastrophic injuries
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

Your lawyer’s skill can make a world of difference when you’re recovering from these and other serious injuries. While you take the time to recover, your lawyer will be working to build your compensation claim.

What Are Some of the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents?

What Are Some of the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents?

Motor vehicle accidents are extremely common. It’s important to understand why. Identifying the root cause of your accident is the key to recovering compensation from all parties who share the blame.

Some of the most common causes of auto accidents include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Texting while driving
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way 
  • Speeding and ignoring other traffic regulations
  • Tailgating 
  • Aggressive driving
  • Lane departures
  • Passing too closely
  • Illegal or unsafe turns
  • Running a red light or racing through a yellow light
  • Drunk driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs
  • Failure to maintain a vehicle in safe condition
  • Fatigued drivers
  • Unqualified or inexperienced drivers
  • Tire blowouts
  • Road hazards, such as poorly marked construction zones or curves
  • Driving at night with poor visibility

After an accident, an attorney can begin an investigation. Once your attorney has evaluated the evidence, you’ll have a better sense of what caused your car wreck.

Statistics on Car Accidents in Sandy Springs, GA

According to statistics published by the Georgia Department of Transportation, 374,008 car accidents occurred across the state of Georgia in 2023. At least 148,330 people were injured in those car wrecks. 1,801 victims lost their lives in 1,667 fatal crashes.

In Fulton County alone, 21,776 car accident injuries were reported in 2023. 136 fatalities were reported that same year.

Contact an Experienced Sandy Springs Car Accident Lawyer for a Free Initial Consultation Today

A car accident in Sandy Springs, GA, can turn your life upside down. Even a relatively minor crash can have serious repercussions. When you’re injured, you deserve to have an experienced Sandy Springs car accident lawyer who will fight hard to get the compensation you need.

Count on our team at Guardian Accident & Injury Lawyers to handle every aspect of your case. From the initial insurance claim through negotiations and trial, if necessary, we’ll be by your side. Contact us today for a free case review. 

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Car Accident Resources

Highly Rated Auto Repair Shops in Sandy Springs, GA

  • Christian Brothers Automotive Sandy Springs – 8630 Roswell Rd, Sandy Springs, GA 30350
  • Meineke Car Care Center – 8600 Roswell Rd, Atlanta, GA 30350
  • A Town Automotive – 8135 Roswell Rd #100, Sandy Springs, GA 30350
  • Express Oil Change & Tire Engineers – 5811 Roswell Rd NE, Sandy Springs, GA 30328

*Disclaimer – we do not endorse these companies or profit from having them listed on our website.

Car Accident Infographic

Car Accident Infographic